Phase Zero / Pre-planning
The LMTX Phase Zero framework is a holistic 360 deliverable covering all aspects of the SAP or Digital enabled transformation that has input into the final project roadmap, process & technical scope, and estimation for the transformation journey.
Business Solution Design
Our Business Solution design approach is “different by design.” Utilizing agile and human-centric design principles, we identify forward-looking areas for improvement, technology roadmap and develop strategies to achieve desired outcomes.
Agile and HCD Enablement
The LMTX will help your team incorporate human-centered design principles and methodologies into developing and creating products, services, systems, or experiences. By combining these practices, Human Centric Design Enablement will help your team create experiences that are user-centered, enjoyable, and address the real needs and challenges of the people they are designed for.
Asset Lifecycle Optimization
Our team will identify process bottlenecks or introduce practical digital/technology innovations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s operations. Ultimately, we will help your organization to set up a continuous improvement and innovation management program.
Program/ Project Turnaround
The LMTX 10-Steps “tried and true” method will help quickly turn around a troubled project or program. Our discreet turnaround services help identify the root causes of the project’s issues and implement necessary corrective measures to bring it back on track.
CIO/CTO Pro Tempore
Our executive team will help fill your organization’s interim needs for Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Our CIO/CTO Pro Tempore service will help your organization maintain strategic technology leadership during times of transition, ensuring the effective utilization of technology to drive business success.